Educating Linguistically Diverse Students

Apache Chautauqua Coaching
Course Blog
My Chautauqua
Sarah (That's Me!)
Book Talks
Chapter Presentations
My Field Trip
Apache Chautauqua Coaching
Midterm Summary/ Evaluation
Final Summary /Evaluation

Day 1
Today was my first meeting with the students that I will be coaching in creating a Chautauqua character. I met with Kobe and Verteenio, but my other student Robyn was out sick. The boys and I discussed possible characters and stories. They were a little hard to warm up at first, but I just kept talking to keep it comfortable. I told the boys a story that I was thinking about telling for my Chautauqua. They were not receptive at all!! I thought it was a good story and very humorous, but even with me prompting them to laugh, it was not happening! Good to know that my story was not going to work before I got up in front of everyone. I am very appreciative of their honest feedback! Both students have a rough idea of a story that they may want to tell, but nothing is set in stone. I encouraged them to keep thinking about over the next week.
Day 2- Chautauqua performances!

Today was so much fun! See my Chautauqua page for more details!

Day 3

Today I met with Robyn, Kobe and Verteenio. Robyn said that she felt a little confused and behind because she was not in class the last time we met. I assured her that she would get caught up quickly, and she did. We discussed possible characters and stories as a group and then I worked for a short time with each of them one on one. It was difficult working with one of the students because they didn’t want to talk, and didn’t have any ideas. I kept trying to pull out information and propose different options, but received no feedback. I was started to get frustrated and then decided that I would tell all the students a story of mine. I took about fifteen minutes and told them a story about my dog. They loved it and told me that I should have told that story last week. Then all of the sudden ideas started flowing. I learned a valuable lesson with this- sometimes getting off the subject, helps push it along. By the end of our session, each student had picked a character and started brainstorming ideas. It was a very successful day.


Day 4

Today two of my students were absent. I missed Robyn and Kobe but I am also greatful that I was able to work with Verteenio one on one for the whole session. It was amazing to me how much he opened up. He told me all about his home life and pets and hobbies. It was great and it helped develop his story. By the end of our session, I had written down his whole story and still had time to chat. I liked being able to get to know him a little more and feel that this will help develop his ideas.

Day 5

Today I met with Verteenio and Robyn, but Cobe was absent. Verteenios story is done!! WOO HOO. I am so proud of him! Today we talked about any changes that he could make and he read me the story several times. Then I had him tell me the story without looking at his paper. It was a little difficult to hear him, but he knew his story well. I kept encouraging him to speak louder, but with not much success. I told him that I expected him to practice over spring break, and he said he would. Robyn was a little more difficult. She had still not decided who she was going to be. I finally told her in a stern (not mean) voice that she had no more time and she had to pick a person now. It was amazing! She picked up her pencil and started writing her story like it was nothing. I was proud of myself for being stern and it made a huge difference! By the end of class she was telling her story to me without her paper and with little prompting. My students went and got with Ami's group and told our stories to each other. It was a good way to get my students thinking about how they were going to be to preforming infront of others and I could see an improvement in the way they told their stories. I am excited to meet with Cobe next time and see where he is at in this process.  

Day 6

Today I met with Verteenio and Robyn. (Kobe was absent again!) I was pleasantly suprised that both of my students had been working on thier stories over our LONG break. It took me longer than normal to get them warmed up (probably due to the break) but once they started I could tell that they had been practicing.

Day 7

I met with Robyn and Verteenio today. I was able to work with another teacher and I think it was very helpful for my students to see their peers performing. I also loved the fact that the other students agreed with my suggestions! I have been trying to get my students to do certain little things and they have been resisting this whole time (just little things like adding a little action). After meeting with the other group, my students were able to see that I was not the only one who thought they should do what I suggested. My students were able to take the advise of thier peers and add a little spice to their story. It was a great thing! After a short practice session, we had the students come together as a large group and perform one at a time for the class. I was very impressed with the few students that were able tell thier story and it was amazing to see it all coming together!

Day 8

Today we met with the students to video tape their preformances. It was a little crazy and chaotic, but fun non-the-less! Robyn was supposed to leave early to attend a spelling bee so we hurried up and taped her first. It was interesting because she really did not want to tape in front of anyone. She insisted on taping out in the hallway away from the group. We agreed and she still seemed very nervous. She was a little quiet and had some trouble remembering a few parts but over all did very well. I was not able to see Verteenio tell his story,  but I am sure he did wonderful (if you could hear him :) ) After a while we dicided to video the students with both cameras. I was very impressed with the students behavior during the taping. They were very quiet and respectful of the person performing. It was great to see all the students preform! Very entertaining!  I felt a great sense of accomplishment and gratitude leaving today. I am excited for my students to share thier story with thier family next Thursday!

Day 9

Showtime! Today my students are preforming their story. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the performance because of another class that I have Thursday nights. I did however go to Apache today and meet with my students briefly. I brought them a small treat and thanked them for a great experience. When I told them that I was not able to attend, their poor little faces dropped. I reassured them that they knew theirr stories and they did not need me there. I told them to remember that their story is thiers- that they didnt have to remember everything- they just had to tell their story! I told them that I would be thinking of them and that I was very proud of their accomplishments over the last semester. They all gave me hugs :) and thanked me for the snack. It was a bitter-sweet goodbye.   

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