Educating Linguistically Diverse Students

My Field Trip
Course Blog
My Chautauqua
Sarah (That's Me!)
Book Talks
Chapter Presentations
My Field Trip
Apache Chautauqua Coaching
Midterm Summary/ Evaluation
Final Summary /Evaluation

Did somebody say fieldtrip? Yes indeed! This semester will be quite adventurous!! Not only do we get to go to somewhere new each week, but we also get to plan a field trip of our own! I call Riverside! Can't wait to see whats ahead........

Field Trip #1 Farmington Indian Center

Today we went to the Farmington Indian Center and learned about what the center is and the services they provide for our community. Mr. Smiley (the director) welcomed our class with open arms and shared information about the center, as well as some personal experiences. It was awesome to hear Mr. Smiley tell about the all of the people that are able to get help from this center ( 42, 426 people were served in 2007!!). It was great to be exposed to a resource that I didn’t even know existed.





Field Trip #2 Sycamore Community Center

Our second field trip was to the Sycamore Community Center. We met with Natalie Koehn and she gave us a tour of the facility. Then she spoke with us about how the center came to be, the services it provides and what is in store for the future. It was inspiring to hear talk about the center and her involvement. I could tell that she was truly passionate about her job and loved working with children that come there. Natalie is a great role model for teachers! Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and her heart is with the children, as any teachers should be! Thank you Natalie for welcoming us and reminding me why I am choosing to be an educator!


Field Trip #3 ENLACE

 Mabel and her co-workers

Today we visited ENLACE and met with Mabel Gonzalez. She showed us around the facility and explained to us what ENLACE is and how it serves the community. I learned that this program helps to encourage and empower the Latino/Hispanic community to pursue a higher education and also provides a meeting place where anyone can go for various support. GED classes in Spanish, English as second language classes and assistance with college enrollment are just a few of the ways that ENLACE is assisting our community. Mabel's presentation was very interesting and informative. (I could have listened to her talk all day!) She is very enthusiastic and her commitment and dedication to this program is undeniable. When I left ENLACE I felt like I had just added a great tool to my teaching toolbox. Now that I know that this program exists and the services it provides I can use this as a resource in my future career to better communicate with my English language learners and their families.





Field Trip #4 Riverside Nature Center

Riverside Nature Center Wetlands

Today was the day for my field trip. We visited Riverside Nature Center and it was such a beautiful day to do so! The sun was shining and the birds were chirping! Bobbie, a friend of the Nature Center was there to greet me and show me conference room. She showed me around the building and then let me look through several scrapbooks that students and teachers who visited the center had made. It was so much fun! I loved seeing all of the possibilities that the Nature Center offers for teachers and students. When the rest of the class arrived, Bobbie told us about the programs available at the center and gave us helpful handouts. After her presentation, the class debriefed and Ms. Francis graciously let us bask in the sun for the rest of class. I hope that this field trip will inspire all of us future teachers to make a field trip of our own once we have our own classrooms and allow our students to enjoy and embrace the outdoors!


 Field Trip #5

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for ICE CREAM CAKE!!!!

Thanks for the super fantastically delicious cake Ami! Today we met at Cold Stone Creamery in celebration of Ami's birthday and was spoiled with a chocolate, coffee ice cream cake. UMMMM!! Anyway enough about the cake! We were all able to share our experiences as coaches at Apache and it was great to hear how everyone was doing. I love it when we are able to talk about what is working, what is not, and to hear suggestions from others. Ami and Valerie gave their presentations and we discussed their topics. Oh and there was cake!

Field Trip #6

Today we went to the E3 Childrens Museum and Science Center. The place was full of children and I could feel the excitement in the air! Our class met and discussed our student coaching at Apache. We then had Dr. Peele-Eady from UNM's LLSS department as a guest speaker (see my Guest page for more info). It was a great experience to go to the museum and to be in the audience of such an amazing guest speaker. Another great day!

Field Trip 7

Next we went to the Navajo Preparatory School. Though I have been to the new Wal-Mart locate across the street, I have never been to or even known about this school. It was a great experience to talk with the Dean about the history of the school, the advancements that are currently taking place (a huge remodel) as well as some common questions about the everyday life of the students that live and attend school there. We were also able to visit a classroom where the students learn Navajo. It was very interesting to listen to the students and "read" the posters on the wall. This language is much more difficult that I had previously known! After our tour we were able to gather in a meeting room where we discussed the major themes throughout our text book. We also had a grand conversation about the places we come from and why we think and feel the way we do about differen scenarios and situations. It was very entertaining and informative. Now that is what I call learning.




Field Trip #8 The Ice cream Store!!

Today we went to the ice cream store on 20th. We had the privilege of trying some really yummy treats and partaking in equally delicious conversations. Sam and I presented highlights from our assigned chapters and Rebekah lead the group in a Socratic seminar in which we discussed the different ways to teach mathematics (through hands on activities and technology).  This was another great day outside of the classroom!



Field Trip #9

Today we went to the LDS Church and had a tour of the family history center. It was very interesting to see all of the many different kinds of resources housed there and great fun to hear about the experiences of the women who worked there. I left feeling inspired to find out more about my own family history.







Click here to visit the Farmington Indian Center Webpage

The Farmington Indian Center
Located at 100 W. Elm St.
Services Provided

•Public information and job board

•Copy and fax services

•Transit schedules

•Inter-city referrals

•Restroom and Shower facilities

•Navajo Nation Voter Registration

•Notary Public

•Workforce and Community Service Placement

•Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

•Facility rental







Sycamore Community Center

Located at 1051 Sycamore St.

(South of Murray Dr.- Between Graham Rd. and Griffith Rd.)


Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm

          Saturday 10:00am to 6:00 pm


Click here to visit the Sycamore Community Center Webpage and sign up for the newsletter!

Located at 1930 San Juan Blvd.
Farmington New Mexico

Click here to read an article about ENLACE

Riverside Nature Center
800 Municipal Dr.
Farmington New Mexico
(505) 599-1422
Hours:Tuesday- Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays 1 to 4 p.m.

Click here to visit the Riverside Nature Center

E3 Children's Museum
302 N. Orchard Avenue . 505-599-1425
HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday Noon to 5pm and by appointment

Click here to visit the E3 Museum's homepage

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